dialogs Widget Editor dialogs Widget Editor Scoring addAnswer general CBT_WID_DragImage feedback Answers Delayed Feedback dialogs CANCEL button "CANCEL" of field single button "OK" of syscuror default keyDown -- generic dialog handler -- test Bexits so, does action isObject(" B""CANCEL"" buttonclick syscuror = default n = keyEnter B""OK"" = NULL "single" fieldType B"OK" 94080216150514626234020 ASYM_TpID defaultButton Button id 2 of Background id 2 defBtn needFix Button id 9 of Background id 2 refBtn Button id 9 of Background id 2 cancelBtn buttonClick buttonClick default cancel buttonClick buttonClick close escape Cancel addAnswer FBPlayText %ASYM_WinHelp FBSendMsg buttonclick keyDown buttonclick = "FBPlayText" ASYM_WinHelp(1030,"") = "FBSendMsg" /40,"") = "addAnswer" T50,"") notifyBefore keyDown author enterPage Button id 9 of Background id 2 Button id 9 of Background id 2 refFocus addAnswer keyChar x = 27 close 15,15 lastUnits Select or enter an object name:.............age..nswered. 3dField tbk_wid_type answer ,&H.& s_wid_targetWindow FALSE s_wid_targetObject objList whatName sortList xenterPage notifyBefore xenterPage 4s_wid_targetWindow, s_wid_targetObject dropdownitems = NULL A <> shownBy objList = sortList(getObjectList( ,"",FALSE)) whatName = t <> odropDownItems = flag = -TRUE CRLF& baznamed) test score 9touched update buttonClick update firstIdle Incorrect Correct ASYM_GetString update buttonClick otouched update notifyBefore firstIdle ASYM_GetString("Correct") Incorrect") Incorrect Any named object dragged and dropped onto this widget can be an answer. The combo box below shows all the object names found on this page, except the names already specified as answers. xenterPage firstIdle ASYM_BeenHere Delayed Feedback propsRead FALSE IsDetailedFB 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedbackList array propType numCorrect numAnswers selectedItems useObjectType All Correct All Incorrect Partially Correct Feedback to execute on request when the responses are...e, and the responses are...ay its fPlaeedback, and the responses are... one or more): (unnamed) ASYM_reset notifyBefore ASYM_reset sized 3DGroupBox tbk_wid_type Automatically repairs itself when sized. ASYM_WID_Description Asymetrix ASYM_WID_Author 95-1-25 ASYM_WID_CreateDate Shadow Highlight Question feedback group Caption Question feedback fbOSprompt Send OpenScript: fbtextprompt Feedback text: fbpgprompt Go to page: fbbkprompt Of book: fbclipprompt Play media clip: FBNavBook propType FBPlayClip FBSendMsg FBNavPage FBPlayText EditFeedbackButtons ansFld d6fbArray ASYM_WID_ANSWERS false s_wid_targetObject NavPage Feedback selLines OSMsg HsUpdateThisPage ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedbackList _ASYMA_EditFeedback oansArray oansArray e6fbArray hyperlink buttonClick buttonClick loc SYSTEM s_wid_targetObject LOCAL ansArray[][] "Feedback" ansFld = "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" fb = "ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedbackList" = fbArray fb = selLines = selectedtextlines NULL c"clip" c"Msg" "OSMsg" c"NavPage" "hyperlink" _ASYMA_EditFeedback( UpdateThisPage FBPlayClip Click to select file helpText exclude FBPlayText Click to select file helpText exclude FBSendMsg Click to select file helpText exclude FBNavPage Click to select file helpText exclude leavePage leaveBackground ASYM_Reset enterPage enterBackground false qF!,!=! feedback 15,15 lastUnits dirtyBit propsRead showImmediate IsImmediateFB false IsDetailedFB ASYM_WID_DelayFeedback propValue update propValue update enterPage update buttonClick ASYM_WID_Answers Immediate Feedback Options 7wASYM_Container update ASYM_WID_Answers leavePage false propValue asym_reset propValue update notifyBefore buttonClick isEnable = myPg = ASYM_Container( enabled "Immediate Feedback Options" "ASYM_WID_Answers" notifyAfter asym_reset propType Enable feedback at time of response Immediate Feedback Options (unnamed) ASYM_reset notifyBefore ASYM_reset sized 3DGroupBox tbk_wid_type Automatically repairs itself when sized. ASYM_WID_Description Asymetrix ASYM_WID_Author 95-1-25 ASYM_WID_CreateDate Shadow Highlight Possible answers group Possible answers All correct ASYM_WID_ANSWERS HsupdateThisPage oansArray buttonClick buttonClick LOCAL ARRAY ansArray[][] theList bg = ss = dimensions( zi][10] TRUE -- i][11] > 0 selectedTextLines "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" bg = updateThisPage Select All &Correct All incorrect ASYM_WID_ANSWERS HsupdateThisPage oansArray buttonClick buttonClick LOCAL ARRAY ansArray[][] theList bg = ss = dimensions( zi][10] <> TRUE selectedTextLines "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" bg = updateThisPage Select All &Incorrect fbOSprompt Send OpenScript: fbtextprompt Feedback text: fbpgprompt Go to page: fbbkprompt Of book: fbclipprompt Play media clip: FBNavBook propType FBPlayClip FBSendMsg FBNavPage FBPlayText EditFeedbackButtons ansFld d6fbArray ASYM_WID_ANSWERS false s_wid_targetObject NavPage Feedback selLines OSMsg HsUpdateThisPage ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedbackList _ASYMA_EditFeedback oansArray oansArray e6fbArray hyperlink buttonClick buttonClick loc SYSTEM s_wid_targetObject LOCAL ansArray[][] "Feedback" ansFld = "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" fb = "ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedbackList" = fbArray fb = selLines = selectedtextlines NULL c"clip" c"Msg" "OSMsg" c"NavPage" "hyperlink" _ASYMA_EditFeedback( UpdateThisPage FBPlayClip Click to select file helpText exclude FBPlayText Click to select file helpText exclude FBSendMsg Click to select file helpText exclude FBNavPage Click to select file helpText exclude asym_reset enterPage leavePage false Scoring propValue answerWeight UpdateThisPage UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference i = ansArray[i][11] propValue "answerWeight" = FALSE dirtyBit 15,15 lastUnits propsRead ASYM_WID_IsScored propValue MaxScore ASYM_WID_MaxScore ASYM_WID_RoundScore MinScore ASYM_WID_MinScore 7wASYM_Container propValue propValue buttonclick propValue pg = ASYM_Container( enabled "ASYM_WID_MaxScore" pg = pg = "ASYM_WID_MinScore" pg = pg = "ASYM_WID_RoundScore" pg = "scoring options box" pg = buttonclick logical propType Score this question maxScore Highest possible score: minScore Lowest possible score: weight prompt Score weight of selected answer:r:: 3dField tbk_wid_type AnswerWeight propType ASYM_WID_AutoScoreWeight background 6/ASYMA_GetAuthorIni Widget Edit AutoWeight autoAssignWeight 7wASYM_Container propValue propValue n9ASYMA_SetAuthorIni Widget Edit AutoWeight background 8FixupWeights autoAssignWeight propValue 7wASYM_Container buttonClick background autoAssignWeight propValue 7wASYM_Container enterPage propValue = ASYMA_GetAuthorIni("Widget Edit","AutoWeight") autoAssignWeight ASYM_Container( /") = notifyBefore OK ASYMA_SetAuthorIni(" buttonClick FixupWeights Boolean propType Automatic 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_MinScore RoundToMin ASYM_ExpandString Report the lowest score: %1 ASYM_GetString 7wASYM_Container propValue propValue propValue propValue leaveField propValue xisType(real, B"RoundToMin" ASYM_Container( ")= \ ASYM_ExpandString(ASYM_GetString(\ "Report the lowest score: %1"),\ propType 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_MaxScore ASYM_ExpandString Report the highest score: %1 ASYM_GetString RoundToMax 7wASYM_Container propValue propValue propValue propValue leaveField propValue xisType(real, B"RoundToMax" ASYM_Container( ")= \ ASYM_ExpandString(ASYM_GetString(\ "Report the highest score: %1"),\ propType ASYM_WID_RoundScore ,&H.& Button roundToMin noRounding roundToMax propValue ,&H.& Button noRounding propValue propValue "roundToMax" "roundToMin" "noRounding" objs = BUTTON Zdefault STRING propType RoundScore Prompt For a partially correct response: NoRounding Use the weight assigned to each possible answer to xtra 1 compute an exact score RoundToMin Report the lowest score: 0 RoundToMax Report the highest score: 1 (unnamed) ASYM_reset notifyBefore ASYM_reset sized 3DGroupBox tbk_wid_type Automatically repairs itself when sized. ASYM_WID_Description Asymetrix ASYM_WID_Author 95-1-25 ASYM_WID_CreateDate Shadow Highlight Caption Possible answers Possible answers update UpdateThisPage oAnsArray update enterPage Possible answers: %1 ASYM_GetString Correct answers: %2 Possible x correct y update notifyAfter UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference update notifyBefore LOCAL *WORD i, n, corr n = dimensions( ansArray[i][10] = TRUE = expandString(ASYM_GetString("Possible x correct y",\ answers: %1" & CRLF & "Correct 2"),\ n, Possible answers: 0 Correct answers: 0s): 0 enterPage ASYM_reset FixupWeights UpdateThisPage false Qd b b p Answers isCorrect delete propValue UpdateThisPage fldAns ASYM_WID_ANSWERS Delete deleteAnswer clear UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference LOCAL txt,txtSpec, clipSpec, waitFlag, StageRef i = propValue B"isCorrect" = ansArray[i][10] = TRUE enabled B"delete" = fldAns = "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" B"Delete" deleteAnswer 15,15 lastUnits FALSE dirtyBit false propsRead ASYM_BeenHere IsCorrect Incorrect Correct ASYM_GetString propValue ASYM_WID_ANSWERS KtoggleCorrect propValue buttonClick propValue propValue ASYM_Reset propValue ASYM_GetString("Correct") Incorrect") buttonClick toggleCorrect "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" notifyBefore ASYM_Reset Incorrect FALSE count startTime Add... ASYM_WID_ANSWERS EditAnswer buttonclick buttonclick EditAnswer "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" Edit... Delete ASYM_WID_ANSWERS deleteAnswer buttonclick buttonclick deleteAnswer "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" Delete Possible answers update UpdateThisPage oAnsArray update enterPage ASYM_GetString Possible answers: %1 Correct: %2 Possible x correct y update notifyAfter UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference update notifyBefore LOCAL *WORD i, n, corr n = dimensions( ansArray[i][10] = TRUE = expandString(ASYM_GetString("Possible x correct y",\ answers: %1 Correct: %2"),\ n, Possible answers: 3 Correct: 0swer(s): 0 (unnamed) ASYM_reset notifyBefore ASYM_reset sized 3DGroupBox tbk_wid_type Automatically repairs itself when sized. ASYM_WID_Description Asymetrix ASYM_WID_Author 95-1-25 ASYM_WID_CreateDate Shadow Highlight Caption Possible answers ASYM_WID_AutoLockAnswer propValue propValue propValue propType Cannot change responses ASYM_WID_MultipleAnswers background mxAllowMultipleAnswer 7wASYM_Container propValue propValue w, #> Cannot clear multiple ASYM_GetString oansArray propValue Cannot clear this option: You have more than one answer marked as correct. buttonClick propValue AllowMultipleAnswer ASYM_Container( /") = buttonClick ZansArray[][] ZWORD n,i dimensions( ci][10] n > 1 K& CRLF & ASYM_GetString("Cannot [multiple",\ option: You have more than one answer marked %correct.") = TRUE logical propType Allow multiple responses ASYM_WID_RejectWrong propValue propValue propValue logical propType Reject incorrect answers ASYM_WID_DragSnap propValue propValue propValue logical propType Snap dropped objects to center of target enterPage ASYM_Reset enterPage UpdateThisPage Widget Editor 94080216070211604290110 ASYM_TpID selectedAnswer AllowMultipleAnswer ansArrayElse autoAssignWeight Correct Incorrect Partially Correct fbArray FALSE AnsArray defaultButton Button id 81 of Background id 0 defBtn needFix Button id 82 of Background id 0 cancelBtn Button id 81 of Background id 0 refFocus Button id 81 of Background id 0 refBtn default cancel buttonclick buttonclick close escape Cancel delayed feedback feedback %ASYM_WinHelp answers scoring general buttonClick keyDown buttonClick pg = pg = "general" ( = 1000 pg = "answers" G = 1100 pg = "scoring" f = 1110 pg = "feedback" = 1120 pg = "delayed = 1130 <> NULL ASYM_WinHelp( notifyBefore 3dField tbk_wid_type 360,1740 defPos ASYM_WID_ANSWERS array propType numCorrect numAnswers selectedItems FALSE useObjectType FiveTabFolder _currentTab cheat grey cheat black cheat white hilite tabEdge 1 white black tabEdge 2 white black tabEdge 3 white black tabEdge 4 white black tabEdge 5 white black Current Tab Edge white black sized sized "mask" sysPageUnitsPerPixel x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = xp2 = xp*2; yp2 = yp*2 = x2-xp,y1, x1+ 5,y1, x1,y1+ 6, x1,y2 U"grey" = x2-xp,y1+ _,x2-xp,y2 = x2-xp,y1+yp,x2,y1+ +yp,x2,y2 white black Tab 1 135,390,1975,705 defBounds &1 - General Tab 2 1990,390,3830,705 defBounds &2 - Answers Tab 3 3845,390,5685,705 defBounds &3 - Scoring Tab 4 135,75,2902.5,390 defBounds &4 - Immediate Feedback Tab 5 2917.5,75,5685,390 defBounds &5 - Delayed Feedback box grey box black keyDown leavePage leaveBackground ASYM_Reset enterPage enterBackground author keyChar 1N5J5J5 general %H*&. 15,15 lastUnits FALSE dirtyBit false propsRead ASYM_BeenHere 3dField tbk_wid_type propValue propValue ASYM_Reset keyChar propValue notifyBefore ASYM_Reset ) > 32 string propType (unnamed) Object that will act as Drop Target: Object: ASYM_Reset notifyBefore ASYM_Reset sized 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_TargetObject object propType Ellipse "Top" TimeMax Maximum time (secs): TriesMax Maximum tries: Question Name: PLAIN ASYM_Reset notifyBefore ASYM_Reset = PLAIN A "try" is counted every time delayed feedback or score is provided. This option is ignored if "Cannot change responses" is checked...ed.ed" option is enabled.bled. Automatically Reset Question:::::: (unnamed) ASYM_reset notifyBefore ASYM_reset sized 3DGroupBox tbk_wid_type Automatically repairs itself when sized. ASYM_WID_Description Asymetrix ASYM_WID_Author 95-1-25 ASYM_WID_CreateDate Shadow Highlight Limits group caption Limits on interaction ASYM_WID_TimeMax ASYM_WID_TimeMax propValue maxFld ASYM_WID_TimeMax TimeMax propValue maxFld ASYM_WID_TimeMax TimeMax buttonclick propValue val = "ASYM_WID_TimeMax" isType(real, B*1000) mode = > 0)) maxFld = enabled i/1000)) buttonclick logical propType Limit time 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_TimeMax ASYM_WID_TriesMax ASYM_WID_TriesMax propValue maxFld TriesMax ASYM_WID_TriesMax propValue maxFld TriesMax ASYM_WID_TriesMax buttonclick propValue val = "ASYM_WID_TriesMax" isType(real, mode = > 0)) maxFld = enabled buttonclick logical propType Limit tries 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_TriesMax ASYM_Reset notifyBefore ASYM_Reset sized 3dField tbk_wid_type ASYM_WID_AutoReset choice ,enterPage,leavePage,always propValue ASYM_GetString When leaving the page Always enterPage choice When entering the page leavePage Never always propValue choice selectchange propValue ochoice ,always" = ASYM_GetString("Never") When entering the !leaving bAlways") odropDownItems = = TRUE oselectedItem = selectchange propType choice Neverseaving the pagee Never When entering the page When leaving the page Always Possible answers update UpdateThisPage oAnsArray update enterPage Possible answers: %1 Correct: %2 ASYM_GetString Possible x correct y update notifyAfter UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference update notifyBefore LOCAL *WORD i, n, corr n = dimensions( ansArray[i][10] = TRUE = expandString(ASYM_GetString("Possible x correct y",\ answers: %1 Correct: %2"),\ n, Possible answers: 1 Correct: 000swer(s): 0 Score it update UpdateThisPage update enterPage ASYM_GetString Score this question x scoring Score this question: %1 ASYM_WID_IsScored 7wASYM_Container update notifyAfter UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference update notifyBefore B"ASYM_WID_IsScored"\ "scoring" ASYM_Container( ASYM_GetString("Yes") = expandString( question x",\ : %1"), Score this question: NosCorrect: 0swer(s): 0 Imm Fb Immediate Feedback: Enabled (None specified) Del Fb update UpdateThisPage update enterPage Delayed feedback: %1 d6FBArray None specified false Summary feedback x found ASYM_GetString Specified update notifyAfter UpdateThisPage selLines, FBArray[][] Hreference update notifyBefore LOCAL WORD i, j found = ss = n = dimensions( j >= 3 j <= 12 i][j] <> ASYM_GetString("Specified") !None specified") = expandString( Jummary feedback x",\ "Delayed : %1"), Delayed feedback: None specified 0swer(s): 0 asym_reset enterPage UpdateThisPage ialog Feedback Text Page "clipChooser" Drop Target - Question Properties edback Text Add an Answer Page "general" ltiple Choice Question Properties SubDialog edback Text Page "AddAnswer" Page id 13 Multiple Choice #1 Question Properties Question Properties edback Text Add an Answer Page "general" ltiple Choice Question Properties SubDialog dialogs Widget Editor Mike Florence info_LastSavedBy 8/26/94 2:47:53 PM ASYM_LogName Claude Ostyn Drop Target - Question Properties Sans Serif MS Sans Serif info_LastSaved Serif 11/23/94 7:49:42 AM erties INFO_Title 10/6/95 12:01:44 PM 10/10/95 1:01:39 PM ASYM_LogAppend ASYM_LogEncrypt Next page Previous page $d}l}@ :HDMEDIAPATH Arial Sans Serif Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Claude Ostyn Claude Ostyn Claude Ostyn 12/13/95 2:06:09 PM Asymetrix Corporation Sans Serif sortlist ASYM_WorkWindow s_wid_targetObject s_wid_targetWindow tb40dlg.dll default enterBook of background enterfield 4s_wid_targetObject, s_wid_targetWindow X"tb40dlg.dll" sortlist( B = NULL N = ASYM_WorkWindow() = default Claude Ostyn 10/3/95 12:04:45 PM 10/2/95 4:41:31 PM Sans Serif 10/2/95 4:41:56 PM _ASYM_HyperPath 10/17/95 3:20:11 PM ASYM_AuthorResetPrompt .'+ +F sortlist ASYM_WorkWindow s_wid_targetObject s_wid_targetWindow tb40dlg.dll enterBook of background enterfield 4s_wid_targetObject, s_wid_targetWindow X"tb40dlg.dll" sortlist( B = NULL xisOpen s_wid_TargetWindow m = ASYM_WorkWindow() 12/13/95 2:06:20 PM 0/95 3:09:04 PM @80*x< 11:09:11 AM Claude Ostyn 11/28/95 4:02:17 PM author skrefFocus "8ASYM_PostMsg cancelBtn buttonClick refBtn keyChar Cancel cancelBtn refBtn defBtn skrefFocus ASYM_IsWin31 enterPage skrefFocus setDefButton refBtn button field skrefFocus pushbutton cancelBtn defBtn WORDWRAP rkrefFocus notifybefore notifyAfter xisOpen targetWindow) (currentPage targetwindow <> x = 13 orefBtn enabled ASYM_PostMsg "buttonClick", orefFocus x = 27 ocancelBtn notifyBefore B"Cancel" odefBtn = B"OK" ASYM_IsWin31() u= "pushbutton" setDefButton btn o = o = NULL o <> " OK = ( fieldType "WORDWRAP") u = sysPageUnitsPerPixel x1 - x, y1 - y, x2 + x, y2 + y default button >W6W6W buttonclick mode = FALSE = BLACK addAnswer "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" notifyAfter startTime = NULL /) <= 1) count = ASYM_Ticks() currentTime = + 200 = LIGHTGRAY + 200 -- This specific the MULTIDROP widget WarningString ASYM_GetString("MultiDrop Exception "You have selected options that may be incompatible "more than one question type ."&&\ recommended ^you enable Allow Multiple Answers"&&\ xuse feedback >,"&&\ "Cannot Change Responses Reject Unrecognized Objects") buttonClick SYSTEM s_wid_targetWindow, s_wid_targetObject LOCAL ARRAY ansArray[][] B"ASYM_WID_AutoLockAnswer" "answers" = TRUE B"ASYM_WID_RejectWrong" B"ASYM_WID_MultipleAnswers" [FALSE dimensions( )][12] <> NULL )][13] <> )][15] <> objList = ASYM_CollectWidgets() ASYM_WID_QType R = " _ <> ignoreStr = Ignore") fixitStr = Fix It") "&" & "&" & pg = propValue pg = pg = pg = )][12] = )][13] = )][15] = notifyAfter UpdateThisPage selLines, AnsArray[][] Hreference update notifyBefore LOCAL FBArray[][] WORD i, j par1, par2 B"ASYM_WID_DelayFeedback"\ "feedback" ASYM_Container( T = ASYM_GetString("Enabled") found = ss = n = dimensions( j >= 3 j <= 12 i][j] <> None specified","( Disabled") = expandString( Immediate x y",\ : %1 %2"), propValue val = isType(real, < 0 x = -1 x = 1 B*100),100),-1) * x LOCAL ARRAY ansArray[][] theWeight = SelectedTextLines "ASYM_WID_ANSWERS" AnsArray[i][11] = notifyAfter FixupWeights ay[][] t][11] notifyBefore olastSel = oselectedTextLines AASYM_Reset LOCAL ARRAY fbArray[][] = ASYM_GetString("DelayedFeedbackForMultiObjects",\ "All Correct" &CRLF& " Incorrect" & Partially bg = ss = = ss; dimensions( ) = 0 initFBArray updateThisPage propValue SYSTEM {s_wid_targetObject -- -- " a dummy. o sets up the main used work fanswers bg = ASYM_Container( ss = = FALSE = ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedback bg = Hreference 1][1] = " 2][1] = " 3][1] = " /") = -- function returns a value; side effect, because you can't REAL weights {loc, isShift, isCtrl hitLine hitChar sel = > textlineCount( n = n = temp = n n = hitline ASYM_itemOffset( , sel) whatItem toggleAnchor blankThisPage UpdateThisPage updateCurrentAnswer i, newVal L = L][i] = setTextFeedback txt, option r 12, r 14, setMsgFeedback msgString r 15, setNavPage pgName, pgCaption setNavBook bookName 8", "") = "" WidgetHasElseAnswer -- This pseudo property /controls whether -- there should be >" answer -- The < > option used only Question widgets -- that have -ended Woptions. -- Not fTRUE/FALSE questions, example WidgetHasMultipleAnswers enable multiple answers )the same ASYM_reset oAnsArray SYSTEM s_wid_targetObject, s_wid_targetWindow LOCAL M[][] linkDLL "tb40dlg.dll" STRING ListToTextLine( = ASYM_WID_AnsArray dimensions( ) = 0 -- There was no ARRAY stored -- no defined. ansArray[1][1] = "< 0] = &1] = 0 -- Preset compatibility folder oautoAssignWeight = (ASYM_WID_AutoScoreWeight \ AllowMultipleAnswer "ASYM_WID_Answers" pg = propsRead pg = readObjProps pg fixupWeights autoSpread REAL TotalPositive, theWeight WORD i, n, nCorrect CorrectList, IncorrectList allowMultipleAnswer = ( n = [i][11] istype( [i][10] = [i][10] = InCorrectList n > 0 totalPositive > 0 = 1 / j <> ][11] = = (1 / ][11] = ][11] * ][11] = ][11])) low = -( ][11] = -- Get settings -- If a has a "propValue" -- use value -- dialog {. 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